Music Beyond the Sound

On Thursday, October 4th, in Journalism 1 we discussed Music, before and after 1890s. It's pretty obvious that music has evolved in so many ways since the 1890s. An example that was pretty prominent and one that I frequently went back to was that before if you wanted to hear music you would hear it live ONCE. If you wanted to hear it again you would have to be either a king, or have the money to go to another concert. There wasn't any Spotify or iTunes that let you listen to your music whenever and wherever you want. Now there were advancements along the way and those advancements not only impacted technology of how sound is heard, but also how people use it.

Today music is more than something you listen to for a special occasion or at a party. We listen to music to feel something, or sometimes we feel a certain way without out intending to. A good example of this is the song 1-800-273-8255 by Logic that is a song that is titled the sucide hotline. Just the title alone is pretty bold. Along with that the lyrics and the chorus of the song has such an impact on someone. One group of lyrics from the song says; 

"I've been praying for somebody to save me, no one's heroic
And my life don’t even matter
I know it, I know it, I know I'm hurting deep down but can’t show it"

Those lyrics is a very soft spot for a person going through a rough time, but it makes them feel as if they aren't as alone as they feel. Because hearing those words that they think being sung back to them is as if it's someone talking to you.

These advancements of technology from Edison's Phonograph to Berliner's Gramophone to today's advanced technologies have done so much more then allow us to just listen to things. But it allows people to feel connected to something as simple as music lyrics. It creates feelings and emotions that make people feel, happy, sad, accepted, heard, all this comes through music.


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