Open Minded Journalism with Lily Wobbe

Reading over one of Lily Wobbe's blog post entries was something different, the good kind. She responded to the Current Event Quizzes we take at the end of the week and mentioned the news stations we are expected to keep up with but she mentioned another news source that is usually unreliable and not many people chose to look over it for news "worthy" information. If you haven't gotten the hint yet that station is Fox News. She goes ahead and tells us that yes, she does watch Fox News, and the reasoning she gives is a pretty journalist like answer. Which is that it's important to get all views of the story, even if you don't feel as passionate about the other political side. As Lily worded it, she says, "To make sure I'm giving every side a fair chance." Which is a very smart tactic that all journalists and writers should use when they write or report something. Being able to be open-minded about certain issues is very important, because the reason we may think that someone supports something or someone could be completely different from what we see. And being able to view both sides unbiased makes the outcome way better then choosing one over the other without even viewing or considering the other side.


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