Louisville Takes Action!

 Last week on Wednesday, a tragic event happened here in Louisville, "in our own backyard" as Wave 3 had called it. Many people already know the details, but a quick recap of what happened was that at the Jeffersontown Kroger two people were victims of a shooting that happened there. The shooting was a hate-crime by a white male, who had told another white man who also had a gun, that "Whites don't shoot whites." 

  Gun Violence has and is a consistent problem in the United States. Many innocent people are being harmed for the actions of inconsiderate people. And to go along with all that the people in power haven't been doing all they can to lessen the problem. But Louisville is taking action, to the devastating event that happened last week, and they aren't ignoring it.

  Wave 3 reported the vigil that honored the Kroger shooting victims held by the Louisville community. The vigil honored on of the victims through a song and a prayer. Wave 3 did a great job reporting the event and keeping the focus on the victim and how they were being remembered. Along with that they included a perspective of how people living in the community are feeling, that normally feel safer in their community. Here's a quotes from their online article, (the article is linked below). 
"It may seem intense as prices are yelled and signs are flung into the air, but this is where auctioneer Billy Collins finds comfort.
Collins sees some odd items at the J-Town Police Department Public Auction, which is held almost annually. So, it’s all normal to him.
But this week, for some in J-Town, a normal, everyday occurrence--a typically mundane trip to the grocery store--turned terrifying."

  Wave 3 is always adding a variety of view points in their articles, and TV news channel. Here they interviewed Billy Collins and getting his view and feeling towards what happened and how it's effected him. Wave 3 goes along in their article to describe what happened, and tells you about the vigil at the church and how the event was set out. They describe everything in the way that makes you feel as if you are there at church listening to the church pastor take to you.  



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