Class Response: September 18th, 2018

In class today we discussed the evolution of writing and journalism over a period of time. We started all the way from 3500 BCE all the way up to where we are now. Looking from now to then there are many obvious differences, but if you pay attention there are also some similarities that I would usually over look before learning more about it. For example I never knew that Gutenberg's idea to use metal for a printing press would shape the future of the printing press. Also Gutenberg didn't even start the printing press because he was into journalism or writing but because he had the knowledge in building it and wanted a smart way to make economical growth for himself. Thirty-two years later 100 printing presses are in Europe, and sixty years later thousands of printing presses are all over the globe.

This topic was surprisingly interesting considering it was a bunch of history from the past. It was pretty fascinating to learn about how what happened thousands of years ago impacted how we would be using journalism today. It also relates to journalists today. What journalists write and the ideas they form ideas that last forever. Their words or ideas could be something that impacts future journalists and readers.


  1. I agree with your statement. Learning about how stuff from the past impacted the present (and will continue to the future) is very fascinating and makes me very excited for the future. I completely agree with you statement " Their words or ideas could be something that impacts future journalist and readers."


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