"72 Hours of Hell"

On Monday, October 29th, both classes combined together in Mr. Miller's room to discuss the beyond tragic events that happened within 72 hours, two of which were hate-crimes. The first event was the Kroger Shooting, which was a hate-crime that targeted black people. That incident killed two innocent people by a man who had gun privileges taken away five times, to be given back to him every time. The second event was the man from Florida who was living in a van that was surrounded by hate. This guy was the suspect who was confirmed of sending the bombs to different democratic politicians. The third event shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh that killed eleven people. Eleven people were killed because of someone who couldn't accept the fact that some people were Jews and weren't Christians. Sitting in class listening to the discussion and the recap of the events I felt so sick to believe this is a government that is supposed to protect us but has shown none of that through these events, and all the others that have happened within just this year.

One thing I know for sure is that over the past year this country has been building off of hate. This year only the US has reached 297 mass shootings. These shootings include school shootings, the Pittsburgh shooting, kids being shot, police brutality with guns, and the list goes on and that's the problem. We have had beyond too many events to ignore the problem at hand. People are given the gun at their hand, all they have to do is pull the trigger. And political officials continue to ignore the problems as if people on their own will change. I wish that was the case, but obviously not. People are using guns, violence, anything to discriminate someone as their motive for "kill". It's sick. And if officials, people who have been selected to "protect" our country won't do anything then it's up to us to use our voices. People in power don't seem to care much about our voices. But our voices sends a message, and that's what matters.

Something that I've been thinking about for a while came back to me, during the conversation we had in class. People kept referring to the event as hate. Yes, it's hate. We've established that for sure. But why? Why is it that hate is overpowering love. Why is it that more and more people are fearing there lives when they walk out on the street rather then feeling safe? I think back to when I would beg my mom to let me walk to school, because it was fun to be outside rather then in a car. Kids today don't have that same view. The violence going on is no longer a one state issue, it's everywhere. It's happening in schools, concerts, grocery stores, around the corner, bus stops, about anywhere. As long as someone looks different, does something different someone becomes a victim. But what defines different. United States was not originally built off of whites. Whites came from Europe and America was built up by Native Americans. So what's with all the whites coming in acting like they claim the land when it was never their's to even begin with.


  1. I am with you to have American back again to have good people , not some ignorant hiding behind some shady lawyers...money never build human to make a great country ..


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